課程摘要:愛滋權促會在2019年底,彙整歷來司法判決案例,以及機構個案服務經驗,分析臺灣愛滋入罪的現況,於第23屆世界愛滋大會 International AIDS Conference發表海報展覽。
■ 立法沿革 Legislative Evolution
■ 被使用現況 The uses of the Article 21
■ 法條不合理之處 Disputable issues
■ 人權侵害 Human rights violations
現職:社團法人台灣露德協會 間接服務部研究專員
課程摘要:露德自2008年起便開始進行台灣愛滋感染者生活現況調查,截至2019年,共累積十年的調查資料,目前整理資料後,我們初步發現(1)即便有法律保障,但感染者高度擔憂被歧視 (2)擔憂告知風險,難以建立親密關係 (3)日益擔憂老年照顧(4)性行為合併娛樂性用藥。我們將這些發現對照我們的服務經驗,分享目前我們服務提供的困境,並討論如何讓感染者社區照顧服務更加完善。
講師:Okki Dhona Laksmita
The global spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) has greatly exceeded the most pessimistic projections of a few years ago. Today almost, every country is threatened by HIV/AIDS. One of the vulnerable group facing such threat is migrant citizens due to language barrier which can lead to information barrier. Health education particularly on HIV/AIDS is very important to fill this gap. The purpose of this project is to educate Indonesian citizens live in Taiwan, including: migrant workers, students, mix-married people, and particularly those who are at high risk for HIV/AIDS exposure through peer education method which covers prevention and counseling program.
During the 1-year program, started from March until November 2019, we have reached five organizations in Taiwan including two community learning centers, two Muslim organizations, and one diaspora-communities network. We used HIV-Knowledge Questionnaire-18 (HIV-KQ-18), a self-report questionnaire, to assess HIV related knowledge which had been translated into Indonesian language and consists of 18 items with three possible answer options (true, false, and do not know); the higher the score, the greater knowledge a participant had. One education event was conducted using a three-level education approach: level I was a brainstorming and a pre-test, level II was participants’ presentations, and level III was an educators’ presentation about HIV/AIDS, an interactive discussion, and a post-test. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS software Version 24.0. Paired t-test was used to compare the participants’ mean score between pre- and post-tests (significance at < 0.05).
There was a total of 227 Indonesian participants from five organizations attended this program. The pre-test and post-test scores (mean±standard deviation) were 12.87±2.84 and 16.38±1.90, respectively. The t value was 23.12 with p <0.001. We found that there was a statistically significant increase among all of our participants’ mean score from pre- to post-tests.
Overall, the HIV/AIDS knowledge score among our participants increased from pre- to post-test. We believe that although there were many obstacles found in these events, our participants were happy to have the education events and obtain new information about HIV/ AIDS.
講師:蕭宇翔 (BoBo)
課程摘要:從關鍵族群(key population)出發聽見那些被消失、被遺忘的聲音,包含了女性、跨性別、青少年族群現今所面臨的愛滋處境。進而探討在過去愛滋議題中被忽視的議題,看見愛滋感染者的心理健康在第四個九十所扮演的重要性角色
現職:社團法人台灣同志諮詢熱線協會 /政策推廣部主任