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Day With(out) Art 2023: Everyone I Know Is Sick

感染誌將於2023世界愛滋日(本週五)推出《一日無藝術:我認識的每個人都病了》放映活動,本活動為紐約非營利組織「#視覺愛滋」(Visual AIDS)與感染誌合作舉辦。活動將以Visual AIDS所策劃的5組錄像作品構成,將愛滋帶原、新冠疫情、心理疾患、老年症候群等疾病連結,並將疾病所帶來得障礙視作是一種人類的常見的共同經歷,而非「常態的例外」期望藉此喚起更多對疾病困境的關注與反思。

◢  活動日期 Date|2023.12.01(Fri.) 20:00 to 22:00 #本週五

◢  地點 Venue| 鬧空間 NOW space,100台北市中正區延平南路58號3F (3F., No. 58, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

◢  發表藝術家 Artists|Dorothy Cheung (香港)、Hiura Fernandes & Lili Nascimento (巴西)、Beau Gomez (加拿大/菲律賓)、Dolissa Medina & Ananias P. Soria (美國)、Kurt Weston (美國)

*本放映活動將於 #陽性意志 #𝙋𝙊𝙕𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 展覽現場辦理,活動期間錄像作品《Stories of HIV/AIDS》將暫停播映。




More info|https://fb.me/e/73DWpaEC8

***About the artists and their works****

▊ Dorothy Cheung, Heart Murmurs ▊

Heart Murmurs is a poetic dialogue between the filmmaker and Dean, a young man living in Hong Kong. In reflecting on his experience living with a congenital disability and HIV during the first years of the COVID pandemic, Dean expresses his sense of self in the face of regular medical challenges.

▊ Hiura Fernandes and Lili Nascimento, Aquela criança com AID$ (That Child with AID$) ▊

That Child with AID$ tells the story of Brazilian advocate and artist Lili Nascimento, who was born with HIV in 1990. Lili has worked to expand narratives about living with HIV beyond the limited images and ideologies that permeate the AIDS industry.

▊ Beau Gomez, This Bed I Made ▊

This Bed I Made presents the bed as a place of solace and agency beyond just a site of illness or isolation. Through the shared stories of two Filipino men living with HIV, the video explores modes of care, restoration, and abundance in the midst of pandemic pervasion.

▊ Dolissa Medina and Ananias P. Soria, Viejito/Enfermito/Grito (Old Man/Sick Man/Shout) ▊

Ananias, a San Francisco Bay Area artist and immigrant, performs the folkloric Danza de los Viejitos (the Dance of the Old Men). Originally from Michoacán, Mexico, where the dance originates, Ananias interprets its movements through the lens of his spirituality, his long-term HIV-related disabilities, and his search for a place in the world.

▊ Kurt Weston, Losing the Light ▊

Losing the Light reflects the artist’s bitter battle to stay in this world as a long-term survivor of AIDS who has lost his vision to CMV retinitis. An experimental self-portrait, the video evokes the dissolution and fragmentation of the artists body, representing the impact of blindness, long-term HIV infection, and the cumulative effects of decades of antiretroviral medication.

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Date And Time

2023-12-01 @ 08:00 下午 to
2024-01-01 @ 10:00 下午

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